Securest Oracle Cloud Environment Enablement and Management by Infolob

Cloud is irresistible and inevitable, and its security unignorable. Infolob’s Oracle Cloud Security Services enable enterprises determine all threats and vulnerabilities, implement key solutions to secure them, and manage ongoing security policies across databases, apps, and networks. Our unique Cloud Patrol offering ensures relentless and thorough monitoring of all activities to deliver assurance against increasingly sophisticated threats.

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Unlike the security features available in most public clouds – the highly isolated, turn-key Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Security starts at the firmware tier. Branching on across different cloud components such as platforms, connectivity, operations, data, and applications – the OCI security features guarantee maximum, round-the-cloud security and control of enterprise workloads against the ever-evolving threats including ransomwares, SQL injections, and phishing.

With a first-of-its-kind security-first design that complements the marvels of the 2nd generation cloud services such as autonomous database, logical tenancy, virtual cloud network (VCN), availability and fault domain (AD, FD), dynamic routing and service gateway (DRG, SG), network security groups, load balancer, subnets, notifications, and more – Oracle Cloud Services form a holistic package that smartly delivers industry-leading cloud security to conscious customers.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Security Features

The security features on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for applications, combined with their database, instance, virtual network, monitoring, and edge service requirements, are as follows. For a deeper dive into OCI security best practices – Infolob’s 2021 Oracle Cloud Security webinar video is now available.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Security Features

The security features on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure for applications, combined with their database, instance, virtual network, monitoring, and edge service requirements, are as follows. For a deeper dive into OCI security best practices – Infolob’s 2021 Oracle Cloud Security webinar video is now available.

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Infolob OCI Security Services & Best Practices

Security goes hand in hand with networking. Hence, Infolob’s OCI security services help customers design, configure, and optimize their connectivity, starting from secured network for primary and disaster recovery regions (VCN, Subnets), Fast Connect for public and private peering, and server-to-server/site-to-site (S2S) VPN tunnel to hybrid cloud, perimeter firewalls, load balancing, and domain name system (DNS). This is followed by network maintenance and management such as the Post Go-Live Run, because networking, just like security, is a continuous undertaking.

Infolob’s security exclusives comprise leak-proof designing of the default no-privilege for OCI and IAM, network & security architecture for IaaS, hybrid cloud deployment and connectivity with VPN and Fast Connect, Bare Metal hardware, customer application and data, compliance across OCI regions and services, on-demand privilege granting, and so on.

Infolob OCI Cloud Patrol
A unique service that continuously monitors all changes to OCI, thereby arresting any misconfiguration that may pose security risks. Cloud Patrol audits and reports on all users, groups, compartments, and service limits as well as archives logs for future references. The auditing of specific tenancy components and distribution of reports is selectable and configurable as required.


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OCI Security Webinar
Oracle Security Data Sheet
Security Case Study

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